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fAfB fCfD fEfF fGfH fIfJ fKfL fMfN fOfP fQfR fSfT fUfV fWfX fYfZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
advance-fr 9
bhopal fracture hospital BF 42
fragile JYOTI +girl 25
fragrance OF STAR SIGN 3
fragrance SOFTWEAR 3
fragrance STOP 3
fragrance de' energy +plant 3
AAKAR fragrance +plant 3
AFTER PUFF fragrance 3
ART & fragrance +arcs 3
AVADHOOTI fragrance 3
CFS creative fragrance 3
CUTICURA - fragrance of lif 3
fragrance 3
DEOFUME exotic fragrance 3
FRUIT FOREST fragrance 3
HEM fragrance of india +ova 3
HEM precious fragrance 3
KF karnataka fragrance 35
MELANA blend of fragrance 3
ORKAY fragrance +oval 3
PRECIOUS fragrance 3
PRITHVI fragrance sticks 3, 16
RAJ fragrance LIGHT OF LIFE 3
RAMBO ultimate in fragrance 3
SHREE GANESH fragrance 3
SOULMATE fragrance for life 10
SPINZ fragrance day 3
SWASTIK fragrance borsad 3
WIZARD-fragrance change lif 4
WIZARD-fragrance that chang 3, 5
m.s. ELACHI quiz fragrance 3
pure fragrance 3
pure fragrance lia 3
ARBANI fragrances 3
B&F beauty & fragrances 3, 5
CEC flavours & fragrances 30
FF FREEDOM fragrances +oval 3
GOGIA fragrances +feather 3
HOT fragrances +man 3
LAMUSK SOUL fragrances 3
NRS N.R. SHAH fragrances 3
SACHEEROME fragrances 3, 35, 36
SHUBHAM pure fragrances 3
fragrant SANIPIC 3
fragrant WAVES +waves birds 3
CAPRICE thai fragrant rice 30
ANJANI wooden frame 20
BSA cycle frame lock 6
DECO frame +square 6
DEO 7 cycle frame lock 6
JAI frame 19
MAHAVIR hacksaw frame 8
NET frame 9
STYLO embroidery frame 26
TB +frame 14
V you dream it we frame it 16
inner frame 16
pragati frame 20
frames 9
GIB-steel frames 6
H HARMONY spectacle frames 9
INDRADHANU frames & cards 16
NOBLE photo frames 20
ORIEL photo frames 20
ROULLETE frames & sunglasse 9
SMART frames 20
SPEAR frames 9
STILLHOT frames 9
IPORTAL framework 16
LEXILE framework 16
PSUITE framework 35, 42
MANISH framing mart +man 35
CSAM framwork 9
JOIE de franc 32, 33
JOIE de franc vsop premium 33
france 24 +ovals 9, 16, 35, 38, 41, 42
france TELECOM 16
france TELECOM internationa 16
france telecom +telephone 9
france telecom internationa 9
BLUE WATER france +arcs 21
CALL IN france BY CIF +towe 25
COLOR IS france +tower 2
DELICE de france 29
GAZ DE france +flame 1, 4, 19
GAZ de france +flame 11
HANUAYE france 1
LILY OF france 25
MARIE france +woman 3
MARIE france bodyline +woma 5
PIERRE le restaurant france 32
PIERRE restaurant de france 30
air france +stripes 12, 16
air france le club +stripes 12
children DIOR france 25
le restaurant de france 30
franchise MEET 41
franchise guru 35
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